Shipping Information

I can NO LONGER ship puppies. There are new USDA regulations that require an additional license if a breeder wants to sell pet dogs sight unseen. As long as the buyer is able to view the dog/puppy before the purchase or at the time of purchase, a license is not required of the Breeder. The buyer may have his/her representative view the dog/puppy at the time of sale.

I am sorry for any inconvience this may cause.

If you live in or near the state of Colorado and would like to come pick your puppy up instead, this can be arranged. Please call to obtain directions. Again, I do not release your puppy until all the fees have been paid, so if you wish to pick up your pup in person please ensure you bring any remaining balance with you.

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All photos and information on this website ©2005 to Gail L. Pence.
Do not use without permission.